

学生大使是学生领袖,他们是大学未来学生之间的官方联络人, and current students and their families, 客人, 校友, 业务合作伙伴, 还有学校的朋友们.  大使与校园社区建立关系,并与社区代表建立联系.  他们对学校的热情和帮助他人的真诚愿望使他们成为招聘的宝贵资产, 支持, 以及拓展工作.  联系 欧博APP’s 基金会 office to serve as a Student Ambassador!

Student Ambassador and Scholar Spotlights


只需要几分钟的时间,欧博APP护理专业的学生Terissa乔丹就可以确定她选择了正确的职业,并为此心存感激, 太. 泰瑞莎在参加NCLEX-RN考试之前完成了她在欧博APP的最后一个学期,实现了她成为一名注册护士的梦想. 

“This has been quite a journey,特丽莎说。. “I was accepted into the program once before but had to withdraw. I struggled in school for the first time ever, so I decided to take a break and try again.” Terissa explained that because of the time that passed, 她不得不从头再来, beginning with the application process. “I was accepted at three schools but chose to return to 欧博APP, even 虽然 I live in Pender County,特丽莎说。. “欧博APP’s program is modern and up to date. The facilities are top-notch, as are the instructors. Even 虽然 I had to withdraw on my first attempt, they believed in me. 这对我意义重大.” 

Terissa is now in the homestretch and excelling in every way. To help with tuition costs, she secured a spot in the work-study program. She also received a scholarship from the 基金会 and became a Student Ambassador. Terissa works at New Hanover Hospital as a Nurse Aide. 

“I’m on my way and not ready to stop anytime soon,特丽莎说。. “I want my two children to know that if they want something, 他们需要去争取, regardless of the hurdles they may need to overcome.从欧博APP毕业后, Terissa plans to pursue her Bachelor’s Degree at UNCW and then continue to earn her Masters. 

In the meantime, she is enjoying her role as an ambassador. “I’ve never been a very social person,” she said. “Being an ambassador has given me the confidence to open up and get out there. I’m learning a lot and enjoy representing 欧博APP. That’s something I plan to do way beyond nursing school. 我会回来的.” 




Dimitry is an Iowa native and from a farming family. He moved to North Carolina when he was six. 迪米特里就读于南不伦瑞克高中(South Brunswick High School),他承认自己在申请大学时有点拖拉. 

“My mom and dad live in two different households, 但我们都很接近,迪米特里说, who has an older sister and younger brother. “I decided to stay near home for college, at least to start. 在高中时, I 太k Advanced Placement (AP) courses and participated in Career and College Promise (CCP), 是什么让我接触到了密件抄送. I enjoyed my courses here and realized that starting college at 欧博APP was an excellent option.” 

While Dimitry is in his first year at 欧博APP, he expects to graduate with his Associate in Science degree in the summer of 2024. “I was able to get ahead because of the AP courses and CCP program,迪米特里说. 额外的工作现在有了回报.在与他的欧博APP成功教练一起工作时,迪米特里被鼓励申请成为学生大使, 泰勒霍. “I decided to try it and got an interview,迪米特里说. “I was at work when I received the email mess年龄 that I was selected. It was exciting, and I’m enjoying it a lot. I especially like attending and speaking at events and meeting new people.” 

Dimitry also applied for and received a scholarship through the 基金会 of 欧博APP. “我的父母都是老师, and we come from a farming background, so I knew getting a scholarship wouldbe a huge help.” Dimitry is among over 200 students who received scholarships through the 基金会 this year. In addition to attending school, Dimitry works part-time as a dock hand on Bald Head Island. 

欧博APP毕业后, Dimitry plans to continue his education and earn a Bachelor’s and Doctorate in Psychology. We believe in him and know he will achieve whatever he sets out to do. Good luck, and thank you, Dimitry!


去年的这个时候,学生大使卡姆·威廉姆斯还在考虑去哪里上大学. His dream was to find a school where he could work toward his degree and play baseball, but unexpected injuries and challenges at home were making it tough to achieve. The one thing he was sure of was that he would not give up. 

在他妈妈的支持下, 朋友, 队友, 和教练, 小卡一直在努力工作, 在学校表现良好, and trusting that his opportunity would come. 果然来了. 通过以前的队友和教练,卡姆与欧博APP的海豚棒球队教练罗比·艾伦建立了联系.

“艾伦教练打电话给我,问我是否愿意见见球队,了解更多欧博APP下载的知识,”卡姆说. “I made an official visit last June, and here I am.” Nearly halfway through his first year at 欧博APP, Cam is warming up his pitching arm and doing well academically. He is pursuing his Associate Degree in Arts & Sciences and plans to continue college for his Bachelor’s and Masters degrees in Psychology. 

Cam also serves as a Student Ambassador. “I wasn’t sure what an Ambassador did, but Coach encour年龄d me to interview, so I did,” said Cam. “I’ve been part of a non-profit organization 支持ing my friend’s dad, a former baseball player who died of cancer a few years ago. 我喜欢回馈社会, and when I got the offer to be part of the Student Ambassadors, 我决定加入.”

卡姆立即挺身而出,自愿在最近的捐款人感谢午餐会上发言. “Cam was nervous and struggling with his tie and name tag just before taking the st年龄,” said 基金会 Executive Director 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊. “You’d never know it because he wowed the crowd. 小卡是真的. 他是真实的, 关心他人, 决心要成功, and is unafraid of working hard for what he wants. We are thrilled to have him as an Ambassador.”

We invite you to cheer him on this season as he takes the field as a Dolphin. 去,凸轮!


After nine years serving in the U.S. 海军陆战队, 欧博APP学生安德鲁Burgmuller在注册了他的第一堂大学课程后,发现自己来到了欧博APP校园. Also present were two 欧博APP employees and veteran mentors who approached Andrew, 提供帮助和指导. 像安德鲁, 他们理解从军队过渡到平民生活的感受,并希望他知道他并不孤单. 

两年后, Andrew has stepped into their shoes, helping student veterans succeed in every way possible at 欧博APP and beyond. “There are so many resources for veterans at 欧博APP,” said Andrew. “I had no idea about them until I arrived on campus. I was familiar with the GI Bill but soon learned that much more is available. I’m grateful for the help I received and enjoy paying it forward to those who come after me.”

While beginning college in your thirties might intimidate some, Andrew dove right in and hasn’t looked back. He 太k advant年龄 of resources like free tutoring and, before long, became a tutor himself. He applied for scholarships created for student veterans and received several awards. 安德鲁还申请了联邦勤工俭学计划,现在他在上学期间在欧博APP的学习中心(TLC)兼职. 

“The 基金会 is a wonderful resource run by people who care, ” Andrew said. “我很幸运能从美国退伍军人荣誉委员会和葫芦麋鹿旅馆等组织资助的奖学金中受益. 看到那些为军队奉献了这么多的人仍然在为下一代奉献,我感到很惭愧. 他们让我也想这么做. 没有什么比帮助一个脸色苍白的学生带着微笑离开TLC更好的了.”

Student veterans can find Andrew in TLC or contact him via email at andr25118@stowegardenfestival.com.


Student Ambassador 麦莉·里奇 is one to watch. This first-year student arrived at 欧博APP after graduating from West Brunswick High School, where she started her sophomore year.

If there’s one thing this young woman knows how to handle, it’s change. 而她住在葫芦里, NC, Miley moved from Kentucky to North Carolina and back again before nally landing home. “I love living in Calabash, but all the back and forth wasn’t easy,” said Miley. “交朋友很难,孩子们对新来的女孩也不总是很友好,所以我必须自己摸索. For me, senior year in high school was when everything came together. 我震撼了它. I stopped being afraid and started figuring out me, 我想成为什么样的人, and to help my younger sister do the same.” 

Miley joined the Cross Country team and made it to regionals. 在学业上,她突飞猛进. Miley gained confidence and made 朋友. After graduation, she found herself at 欧博APP. “After so many moves, I wanted to stay put at least for my rst two years of college,” she said. “Plus, 欧博APP is fantastic and has everything I need and more. The academic programs and 支持 are excellent. Everyone is so welcoming, and the campus is a fun place to be. You can feel the school spirit, and I couldn’t be happier.”

After meeting several faculty and staff members, Miley was encour年龄d to apply to become an Ambassador. She is as enthusiastic and genuine as they come and aced her interview. Miley looks forward to meeting new people and getting involved on campus. 她希望得到大量的公共演讲练习,并准备好迎接任何挑战. 


安德鲁。杰克逊 exemplifies what’s possible when a student takes advant年龄 of all that 欧博APP offers. 他是一名优秀的学生和演说家,是学生政府协会的大使和成员. 当有人需要帮助时,安德鲁是第一批志愿者之一,他非常自豪能见到北卡罗来纳州州长罗伊·库珀.

安德鲁也是第一个毕业的学生,作为新的北卡州立大学社区学院合作(C3)项目与欧博APP的一部分. C3是一个双录取项目,为那些计划在完成副学士学位后继续在北卡罗来纳州立大学接受教育的优秀社区大学生提供服务. 今年秋天,安德鲁计划在攻读政治学学士学位时就这么做.


学生大使卢卡斯梅里厄姆去年来到欧博APP,他已经获得了两个学士学位, 一个在帕克斯 & Recreation Man年龄ment and another in the German Langu年龄. His return to college was as surprising to him as it may seem to us. “After earning my degrees at ECU, I 虽然t school was behind me,卢卡斯说。. “I was ready to find a job and have a wonderful life.”

As is the case for so many of us so often, things turned out differently than he planned. 没关系, 虽然, 因为卢卡斯的未来会更好,让他更接近实现改变世界的目标.

“I’ve always wanted to be a Park Ranger,卢卡斯说。. “I love the outdoors and want to help restore ecosystems. After working in my field for a few years, I felt stuck and unable to do what I was most passionate about. At the proverbial fork in the road, I 太k the one that led me home to Ocean Isle Beach and eventually to 欧博APP.”

如今,卢卡斯蒸蒸日上. 他正在攻读工程副学士学位,并计划在2024年秋季转到北卡罗来纳州立大学完成他的环境工程学士学位. 他在欧博APP的学习中心担任数学和科学导师,并担任学生大使.

“我现在走在正确的道路上, 我期待着用我对自然和环境的热情来改变世界,卢卡斯说。. “I’m loving my time at 欧博APP and grateful for the 支持 all around me, 特别是来自基金会. The scholarships I’ve received are making my dream a reality. Being an Ambassador is my way of giving back, 说谢谢, and inspiring others to find their way.”


