校园安全 & Sheriff’s Office at 欧博APP
Brunswick Community maintains a healthy, 安全, and secure environment for students, 员工, 和客人. This is being accomplished by being in compliance with local, 状态, and federal regulations, communication of 安全ty rules, and training of students and 员工 in 安全 practices. 见“文件 and pdf文档” on the right for 欧博APP’s Emergency Action Plan.
Sheriff’s Office at 欧博APP
学校资源主任不仅是学生的榜样,也起到了威慑犯罪的作用. 学生和警官之间一对一的关系使得问题在失控之前得到解决. 他们还与学院行政部门合作,维护学院的安全和有序环境.
“校园监视”是一个旨在提醒校园社区的项目,校园里存在着报告犯罪和安全隐患的正式程序. Individuals can report incidents to 欧博APP Sheriff’s Office in person or by phone:
910-755-7330 (extension 7330 by any campus phone). If you want to remain anonymous you may call
910-755-7410 (extension 7410 by any campus phone) or by e-mail:
这些紧急呼叫箱为用户提供了一种简单的紧急求助方式. Press the button and speak clearly into the telephone. The call is automatically sent to “911”. 这个双向电话亭位于7号停车场和健身和游泳中心泳池区.
For an emergency, dial
“911″. 不伦瑞克县紧急服务中心(911)将立即通过无线电和电话通知欧博APP警长代表. For non-emergencies, dial
910-755-7330 (办公室). To leave information anonymously dial
910-755-7410 (非紧急情况),并在录音线路或电子邮件中留下以下信息:
tipline@stowegardenfestival.com. 所有的电子邮件和电话信息每天都会检查几次,所有的信息都会及时处理.
见“文件 & pdf文档” (on right) for the Brunswick Community College Emergency Action Plan.
学院和大学被要求提供一些具体犯罪类别的犯罪统计数据. These categories include murder, 强奸, sexual assault (including both forcible and non-forcible offenses), 入室盗窃, aggravated assault, motor vehicle theft, liquor law violations, 违反毒品, 武器, 纵火, 约会暴力, 跟踪, 家庭暴力, and hate crimes relative to the aforementioned crimes. 统计数据 are published by October 1st, of the fall semester, and include the past three calendar years. 它们分发给学生和员工和/或应要求提供.
见“文件 and pdf文档” on the right for the 欧博APP Clery Crime 统计数据.
The intent is for lost and found items to be returned to their rightful owners. 请注意,对于无人看管或丢失的任何个人物品,欧博APP或欧博APP的治安官办公室不承担任何责任, under any circumstances. 所有发现的物品应转交给位于A楼(Fin 's Grill旁边)的欧博APP警长办公室,以确定合法的所有者. Lost personal items such as clothing, lunch boxes, notebooks, etc. will be placed in a lost and found box located in the Fin’s Grill. Items of significant value (laptops, keys, wallets, etc.)将被记录为个人财产,并将被保留,以便个人有时间取回丢失的物品. 在合理时间内未认领的财产将被运送到位于不伦瑞克县综合大楼的不伦瑞克县警长办公室的财产部门.
任何人在任何欧博APP网站公开或隐藏任何武器都是非法的. 对于那些训练(如基本执法训练)或工作要求携带武器并符合北卡罗来纳州一般法规的学生或雇员,则例外.
In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1998, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities’ Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), as well as Under年龄 Drinking Laws and the laws of the 状态 of North Carolina, the college has endorsed the following drug and alcohol policy:
The unlawful 制造, 分布, 豁免, 占有, 在工作场所禁止使用受管制的物质或酒精, on college premises, or as part of any college-sponsored activities. (Except for special permitted events)
欧博APP does not condone the 占有, 使用, 制造, 或分发任何种类、任何数量的非法物质或毒品用具. 违反这一政策的学生可能会危及他们自己的福祉以及大学社区的福祉.
欧博APP药物 & 酒精政策
欧博APP Regulation of Alcohol Service Policy
欧博APP does not maintain a list of sex offenders; this information is maintained by The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and can be accessed through its website –
http://www.nc.gov/sex-offender-registry.见“文件 & pdf文档” (on right) for the 交通规则.
When there is a threat to campus 安全ty or operations, Brunswick Community College will issue 海豚警报. 海豚警报 are sent using a variety of methods, which are determined based on the nature of the threat. 海豚警报可以通过电子邮件、数字屏幕接管、社交媒体和短信发送. 这种混合的沟通渠道使学院能够在紧急情况下接触到最广泛的人.
Text #main to (910)202-4330.
After signing up, you will receive a confirmation text.
For alerts specific to the Odell Williamson Auditorium, text # owa to 910-202-4330.